All in Baby

Playroom Reveal

Almost 2 years later since we’e moved into our Jones Co. home and our playroom is officially complete! When building our home, we didn’t want to designate an actual bedroom as a playroom. Instead, we came up with the idea to have the storage closet attached to the upstairs den finished instead of it being left unfinished for storage! We thought it would be the perfect space to make a little playroom for Joanie and future children (hello baby girl on the way!) and I love how it’s attached to our den.

Joanie's 1st Birthday: Classic Winnie the Pooh Theme

I can’t believe my baby is officially a one year old! I had been planning her Classic Winnie the Pooh themed birthday party since February, with big plans to make this the best day for her. Joanie has loved Winnie the Pooh and I fell in the love with the colors and vibe of the vintage Pooh characters, so I knew that’s what I wanted her theme to be. All of our friends and family would be here to celebrate, or so we thought.

Must Have Baby Items: 6-12 Months

Where has the time gone!? Joanie just turned 11 months old, and I thought it would be a good time to do a round up of our favorite baby items since Joanie turned 6 months old. Everything on this list are items/toys that we all use daily. I’ll go into more detail about each item below, and hope it gives you some great ideas of things you could use for your baby in the 6-12 month range, or as a gift to a mama or mom to be.

Joanie's Nursery Reveal

This room has been in the making for so long, and now that Joanie is 10 1/2 months old, her room is finally finished! Better late than never, right? At least I finished it before her 1st birthday! We moved into our home when Joanie was 4 weeks old, and hadn’t bought her any nursery furniture or decor yet since we didn't want to have to move it. I’ve been slowly collecting furniture and decor over the past few months, and I’m so excited to finally share this space with y’all! It’s hands down my favorite room in our home.

Valentine's Day Gift Basket for Babies

With Valentine’s Day next week, I wanted to put together a a gift basket for Joanie since it will be her very first Valentine’s Day. I had so much fun putting this basket together, and I’m excited to share the details of it with you! Most of these items I actually already had for Joanie, and decided to gather up her pink or love themed items for this collection. She’s not going to know the difference at only 10 months old, so I can get away with it this year. :)

Favorite Books for Babies

I wanted to do a roundup of some of my favorite books to read to Joanie, along with some of her favorites to “read,” a.k.a. play with. She has quite the collection of books in her bedroom, and I love these wooden floating shelves that my friend’s husband made for her nursery.

Goldfish Swim School: Why Joanie Started Swim Lessons at 4 Months Old

I began researching swim lessons in the Nashville area when Joanie was just a month or two old, and I knew I wanted her to take swim lessons as soon as she was old enough to start. Most of the places that offered swim lessons in the area weren’t actual swim schools, and your baby had to be 6 months to start. I stumbled across Goldfish after a google search, learned that they were just opening up in Franklin, and that babies can start as young as 4 months. I decided to sign Joanie up, and it was one of the best decisions I have made!

Monti Kids: Why I Choose Montessori Toys

Being a former elementary school teacher, I know how important a Montessori-based education can be. If you’re not familiar with what Montessori is, it’s an educational program that fBeing a former elementary school teacher, I know how important a Montessori-based education can be. If you’re not familiar with what Montessori is, it’s an educational program that focuses on learning through play using toys that are designed to meet the child’s developmental needs. Since these toys provide just the right amount of challenge, it helps foster growth mindset and confidence among children.

Joanie's 9 Month Schedule & Updates

Happy New Year! No better way to kick off 2020 than turning 9 months old today! I can’t believe in 3 short months, my April fools baby will be a year old! Joanie has been my biggest blessing this past year, and I can’t imagine my life without this sweet girl! A lot of changes have happened since her 6 month update, so keep on reading to check out the most recent updates.

Gifts for the Baby

This may be my favorite gift guide so far! I’m beyond excited for Joanie’s first Christmas and I wanted to share some of my favorite baby toys— we own some of them, and others are on our wishlist! She’ll almost be 9 months old by Christmas (time slow down!) and I feel like she can really grow with all of these toys.

Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit: They Call it Magic for a Reason

I’ve been so so excited to share my experience with Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit with ya'll. They call it magic for a reason- it truly is magical in my opinion! Joanie loved her miracle swaddle so much, that when it came time to transition out of it, I was nervous. She had just hit the 4 month sleep regression and was waking more frequently during the night, and trying to break out of the swaddle very consistently. I knew it was time for a change.


I’m excited to be partnering with Wellements to share some of their amazing products for both babies and children. They sell medicine and supplements that are USDA certified organic, preservative free, and bottled in glass. I love that their motto is “right over easy” and that they really strive to make the right choices to help our planet. I feel great knowing that these products are safe for Joanie.

Joanie's 6 Month Schedule & Update

How is my baby girl already half a year old?! Time needs to seriously slow down, but I love watching Joanie learn and grow every day. I feel like I love her more and more each day (how is that even possible!?) and am soaking up all the baby time while I can. The last time I did an update was Joanie’s 4 month schedule, so if you haven’t seen that one, you can click to read it! Today I’m going to be sharing all of Joanie’s 6 month milestones, updates, and her schedule. Remember that each baby is so different, and what works for us, may not work for you and your baby. We are learning as we go! :)

Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock

So excited to share this amazing baby gadget with y’all today. The Binxy Baby Shopping Cart hammock has been one of our favorite items to use with Joanie, and is definitely one of those things we didn’t knew we needed until we had one of our own! The concept is genius and super simple- its a hammock that rolls up and fits easily in a purse or diaper bag. You unroll it and easily clip it onto any shopping cart, and then you strap your baby into it! It’s so easily portable and quick to install!

Joanie's Birth Story

I wanted to tell y’all Joanie’s birth story today. I know I would always watch Baby Story on TLC growing up (anyone else?!) and birth stories have always been super interesting to me, especially since my mom is a labor and delivery nurse. I grew up hearing stories about birth from such a young age, and would love to spend a day hanging out in the nurses’ lounge on the L&D unit at my mom’s hospital. Ya’ll enjoyed reading about my breastfeeding journey— if you haven’t read it yet, click here to check it out. I thought I’d continue the transparency and share one of the best days of my life with everyone!

Joanie's 4 Month Schedule & Update

I wanted to share Joanie’s 4 month schedule today, as well as an update on what’s been going on and working for us! I love reading blog posts from other bloggers about their babies’ updates— I’ve learned lots of tricks and tips from them that I’ve used with Joanie.

Personalized Baby Outfit

Happy Saturday! I wanted to share Joanie’s personalized bear outfit today. This is one of my favorite outfits that we got her, especially because we call her Jo-bear so often! We got the 0-3 months size, and she has been able to wear it since we brought her home until now. It’s starting to get a little tight on her, so I’ll have to order another set soon!

Most Used Baby Items

When I first started creating my baby registry, I remember feeling so overwhelmed. There are so many baby products out on the market, I didn’t know what I would actually need and use for Joanie! Now that she is almost 4 months old, I decided to make a list of our most used baby products to this date.