
Sharing our 1920’s farmhouse renovations, home decor, homesteading life, and my motherhood journey as a girl mom. I’m so glad you’re here!

Joanie's 9 Month Schedule & Updates

Joanie's 9 Month Schedule & Updates


Joanie’s “Wild Flower” onesie is from Finer and Dandy. You can use code JOANIE25 for 25% off your purchase and this code doesn’t expire!

Headwrap // Knee Socks

Happy New Year! No better way to kick off 2020 than turning 9 months old today! I can’t believe in 3 short months, my April fools baby will be a year old! Joanie has been my biggest blessing this past year, and I can’t imagine my life without this sweet girl! A lot of changes have happened since her 6 month update, so keep on reading to check out the most recent updates.

9 Month Updates and Milestones:

  • We have her 9 month checkup tomorrow, so I won’t know her exact height and weight until tomorrow. Based on our Hatch scale at home, she weighs around 17 pounds!

  • She now has her 2 bottom teeth, and I know more are on the way!

  • She loves to be out and about!! Target and Publix are her favorites. She doesn’t have stranger danger and doesn’t seem to have separation anxiety from me. Miss independent!

  • Joanie got baptized this month! It was so special to have our families there to celebrate.

  • Jo celebrated her first Christmas and met Mr. and Mrs. Claus— she screamed and it was such a classic photo.

  • She has been extremely vocal and loves to babble, say mama, baba, bob, and dada.

  • We have a crawler! She figured out how to crawl right before Thanksgiving, and has been crawling all over the house now.

  • Jo finally rolls!! Shortly after she learned to crawl, she figured out that she can roll over to get in that position to go go go! I was getting worried that she still hadn’t been wanting to roll, but baby girl finally did it around 8 months.

  • Loves to pull herself up to a standing position and will try and pull up on anything she can! She loves pulling up on the coffee table and doing laps around it, and this activity table. She’ll be walking before we know it!

  • She’s outgrown her activity center, but I converted it to a table for her playroom. They sell matching chairs for it that’ll I get so she can sit there and color when she’s a toddler!

  • Belly sleeping— Jo takes all naps and sleeps on her belly now. The transition to this was very sudden and now that’s how she loves to sleep!

  • We finished using the Moms on Call baby food introduction calendar, and it went well! Now we have a bigger range of what she eats. She loves to eat from baby pouches, and strawberries are her favorite. We just started to introduce finger foods, and so far she has like tofu, Mac n cheese, peas, and avocado.

  • She loves sitting in her big girl stroller, and loves bath time still and playing with her bath toys. We got rid of the bathtub insert, and now she just loves to crawl around the tub and play. It’s the cutest thing!

  • Waving! Jo has recently started to hold her arm out and close her hand when someone is leaving and my heart just melts.

  • She wants to play with anything that’s not her toys— especially Emmett’s dog toys!

  • We still love swim lessons! She started swim lessons at Goldfish Franklin at 4 months old! She loves it so much and she’s made incredible progress. I’ll be doing a full blog post on Goldfish soon. Check to see if there is a Goldfish near you!

  • Music class is starting up again soon after a Winter break. We go every Tuesday morning and she loves it! I’m excited to see how it goes now that she is crawling! You can also check to see if there is a Music Together near you!

  • Joanie is still breastfeeding! I can’t believe I’ve surpassed my 6 month goal. Making it to a year is something I think will actually happen. If you asked me that a few months ago, I would have laughed and called you crazy. If you missed my breastfeeding journey post, make sure to read it to get full details! I’ve even been able to become a registered milk donor. I’ve donated milk to 2 babies in needs, and plan on donating more to my local hospital. It feels great to be able to give back to those mamas and babies in need.


Joanie’s Schedule

Joanie’s schedule still varies day by day, and we follow the Mom’s On Call 6-15 months daily schedule guide, and I have been following it a little more strictly, especially the bedtime routine. The days I follow it more closely, the better sleep she typically has at nighttime.

  • 7am: I go get Joanie from her crib. Sometimes she wakes up around 6:30 and I let her play in her crib unless she starts to get upset. I try to get her as close to 7 as possible. She nurses for about 15 minutes.

  • 7:15-8:00 Play time! Now that we have the baby gate installed upstairs, Joanie will play with her toys during this time. I also stopped my morning pump session.

  • 8:00 Breakfast— Joanie loves her oatmeal for breakfast and I try to sometimes mix in some fruit or veggies in it. I recently also just started giving her some baby yogurt, which is starting to grow on her more and more.

  • 8:15-9:00 More play time!

  • 9-10:30 Nap time— She’ll typically nap for an hour and a half, and then wake up and we’ll play until 11

  • 11:00 Nurses for 15 minutes

  • 11:00-12:00 Play time!

  • 12:00 Lunch— She’ll typically have a fruit or veggie pouch, but we’ve recently started introducing pea sized, mushy table foods.

  • 12:15-1:00 Play time!

  • 1:00-2:30/3 Nap time— This nap can sometimes be a struggle for her to sleep the whole hour and a half. I may move her nap time up to 12:30 and see if that helps.

  • 3:00 Nurses for 15 minutes

  • 3:00-5:00 Play time! Sometimes I’ll throw a cat nap in there around 4 or 4:30 if her afternoon nap wasn’t too long. She’ll nap for 30-45 minutes or so.

  • 5:00 Dinner! Either a fruit or veggie puree with table foods.

  • 5:30-6:45 Play time!

  • 6:45 Bath time— She LOVES the bath and we’ll normally let her play for a little bit in the tub.

  • 7:00 Bottle time— She’ll drink an 8 ounce bottle of breastmilk before bed now. I put white noise on, she has blackout curtains in her room, and put her in a sleep sack. She’s now asleep in her crib every night at 7:30, will maybe wake up once during the night to find a new comfy spot, and actually sleeps well at night now. Crib training was so incredibly difficult for me, but we’ve been doing it for 2 weeks now and it works. The first night was rough, as I cut out comfort nursing during the night cold turkey. She quickly learning to increase her intake during the day and was then fine at night after that. Thank you, Moms on Call!

  • 7:30pm-7:00am- Bedtime- I don’t go in her room at all, unless she’s stuck sitting up (which has been happening lately), and we lay her down and leave the room again.

I can’t believe the next time I’ll be doing an update, Joanie will be a year old! These pictures are getting harder to take each month with Joanie being mobile now. She’s going to change so much in the next 3 months, and I love watching this girl grow and adore being her mama!

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