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Joanie's Target themed 2nd Birthday Party

I can’t believe my sweet Joanie is 2 years old already! Time flies by so fast, and in just 2 short months she’s going to be a big sister! Jo’s 1st birthday party was cancelled last year due to Covid, so I was extremely excited to be able to plan an outdoor celebration for her this year with friends and family in attendance. When picking a theme, I wanted to do something that hasn’t really been done before. We are frequent shoppers at Target, and Joanie loves going with me, so I figured let’s have a Target party! It was a hit, and Jo and her friends had such a fun time!

Organization: Under the Kitchen Sink

Who loves a good before and after as much as I do!? Since quarantine life started, I’ve definitely had the itch to organize every single space in our house. For those of you who are new readers, our home was a custom designed Jones Company home. If you are interested in building a new home in the middle Tennessee area, definitely check them out. Their design studio has every option under the sun to truly customize your dream home, and they made the building process so fun and stress-free.

Joanie's 1st Birthday: Classic Winnie the Pooh Theme

I can’t believe my baby is officially a one year old! I had been planning her Classic Winnie the Pooh themed birthday party since February, with big plans to make this the best day for her. Joanie has loved Winnie the Pooh and I fell in the love with the colors and vibe of the vintage Pooh characters, so I knew that’s what I wanted her theme to be. All of our friends and family would be here to celebrate, or so we thought.

Must Have Baby Items: 6-12 Months

Where has the time gone!? Joanie just turned 11 months old, and I thought it would be a good time to do a round up of our favorite baby items since Joanie turned 6 months old. Everything on this list are items/toys that we all use daily. I’ll go into more detail about each item below, and hope it gives you some great ideas of things you could use for your baby in the 6-12 month range, or as a gift to a mama or mom to be.

Valentine's Day Gift Basket for Babies

With Valentine’s Day next week, I wanted to put together a a gift basket for Joanie since it will be her very first Valentine’s Day. I had so much fun putting this basket together, and I’m excited to share the details of it with you! Most of these items I actually already had for Joanie, and decided to gather up her pink or love themed items for this collection. She’s not going to know the difference at only 10 months old, so I can get away with it this year. :)

Goldfish Swim School: Why Joanie Started Swim Lessons at 4 Months Old

I began researching swim lessons in the Nashville area when Joanie was just a month or two old, and I knew I wanted her to take swim lessons as soon as she was old enough to start. Most of the places that offered swim lessons in the area weren’t actual swim schools, and your baby had to be 6 months to start. I stumbled across Goldfish after a google search, learned that they were just opening up in Franklin, and that babies can start as young as 4 months. I decided to sign Joanie up, and it was one of the best decisions I have made!

Pink Blush Fall Outfits

Happy Monday! I have partnered with Pink Blush boutique to share some amazing Fall outfits with y’all! If you haven’t heard of this company before, here’s a little background info. I first heard of them from their maternity line! I got a few dresses from them to wear in my 3rd trimester, and even got my baby shower dress from them! Click here to see it— it comes in so many colors! Now almost 7 months postpartum, I discovered that they also have a regular clothing line as well! The clothes are geared towards mamas, with tons of nursing friendly options, loungewear, and overall very comfy clothes for the first weeks after birth and more!