Welcome to Home With Joanie
I’m so glad you’re here! If you’re reading this— THANK YOU! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time now— a place where I can share aspects of my life and design ideas with others. I’ve always been drawn to home decor and design, specifically a farmhouse style (with lots of inspiration from Joanna Gaines!). As I've gained a bigger interest in home design, I’ve been reading many other home decor blogs and learning a lot about how they decorate to use in my own home. This really sparked me to want to do the same for others! I love sharing where I find my home decor with friends and family when asked, and I’m so excited to start sharing my home decor with many more through this blog!
That being said, I want to use this blog to share more than just home decor and design inspiration. Being a new mom to 3 month old Joanie, I’ve made the decision to not work full-time as an elementary teacher anymore. I will still be working part-time at Fabulous Frocks Bridal in Franklin (brides-to-be, come visit to let me help you find the perfect dress!), but I felt this may be the perfect time to put myself out there and pursue this blog as I can do it easily from home! There have been so many questions I’ve been navigating being a new mom— whether it’s about feedings, sleep schedules, reflux, and list goes on! I’ve loved reading other blogs from new moms that give baby updates and have helped me answer some of my questions I have with Joanie! I really want a place where I can share some of my experiences I’ve been having as a mom, in the hopes that it can help someone out there going through this same chapter in life!
All that being said, I can’t wait to share more— how I’ve been decorating each room of our home, where I find my design inspiration, and life staying Home With Joanie.